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Ski Program

 YIPEE !!!

Students skiing

         It's time to go to Look Out Ski Resort.   
      This program is open to 4th - 8th grade students!

2nd Ski Trip:  Thursday,  February 20th

Departure Time:  8:30 AM

Return to Elementary Bus Lane:  Approximately 6:30 PM


         *  Your child's accurate weight, height and shoe size

         *  LookOut wants a parent driver's license number included on the form.

  • Money is due by Monday, February 10th.
  • Students and Parents must agree to LookOut Mountains Safety Rules
  • Please read this Important Information for more information. 
  • The number of skiers is limited by the number of seats we have on the buses.  
  • There is NO room for parents on the buses.


Trip Prices - Student

Student Lesson + Lift Ticket + ski rental equipment   $42.00  

Student Lesson + Lift Ticket (has own equipment) $38.00

Student Lesson (season pass holder, has own equipment) $20.00 

Student Lift Ticket + ski rental equipment (Jr. High students only)  $38.00

This season, helmets will be included for students with rentals at no additional charge.


Trip Prices - Adult

Adult Lift Ticket (has own equipment) $49.00

Adult Rental (season pass holder) $34.00 

Adult Lift Ticket + ski rental equipment  $83.00

Helmet rental   $10.00


Guidelines for participation

  1. All paperwork and money must be turned in by the required dates.
  2. All skiers / snowboarders must have all assigned work finished before the trip and have no Fs in any subject area
  3. The bus will leave Thompson Falls at approximately 8:30AM and will return to Thompson Falls at approximately 6:45PM
  4. Rides must be arranged before the bus leaves in the morning.  Your promptness is very much appreciated.
  5. Lunches need to be in paper and/or plastic sacks.  Students are to leave the lodge and buses clean.  Please pick up after yourself.
  6. Please leave all electronics at home.  Alternate forms of entertainment might be a puzzle book, drawing paper, or a book to read.  Neither the school nor LookOut are responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  7. All students are required to attend a lesson.  Students who miss a lesson will lose their privilege to ski for the remainder of the day and will not be allowed on the next scheduled ski trip.
  8. The bus will leave LookOut promptly at 5:00PM, Mountain Standard Time.
  9. NEVER SKI ALONE!  Let the teachers or chaperons know where you will be skiing.  Students that ski alone will lose their skiing privileges for the remainder of the day and will not be allowed on the next ski trip.
  10. Always ski with someone that is at your ability level.  No taking your friends on a hill they are not ready for.
  11. Do not "cry wolf".  LookOut takes injures seriously and an ambulance may be called at your expense.
  12. Any inappropriate behavior may jeopardize the ski program for all!  Please be on your best behavior.  You are representing yourself and your school!
  13. Appropriate behavior is required on the bus trip as well to continue the program.
  14. You must be in school the day before the ski trip.

Please make checks payable to School District #2.  Payments may also be made by electronic check, debit or credit card by clicking this link.  

In order to get the school discounted rate, chaperons please turn in your paperwork and money to Mrs. Gilbert for the Elementary or to Mr. Miller for Junior High by Friday, February 14th.  If, for some reason, you are unable to attend the ski trip it is imperative that you let the school know before we leave for LookOut.  (Before Thursday, February 20th at 8:00AM)